Download Cherry ARHORS COLLECT French Edition eBook Nico Walker

Download Cherry ARHORS COLLECT French Edition eBook Nico Walker

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Download PDF Cherry ARHORS COLLECT French Edition eBook Nico Walker

Il a tout de suite aimé Emily.
Jamais il n’a ressenti cela avec une autre.
Quand il croit l’avoir perdue, il s’engage dans l’armée.
En Irak, il découvre la guerre absurde, un jeu vidéo qu’il faut oublier à coup d’anesthésiants et de You porn, gavé de testostérone.
Il connait le chagrin de la guerre, qui dure bien après le retour. Emily l’a attendu et la vague d’opioïde qui balaie le Midwest les emporte. Il leur faut de l’argent, toujours plus d’argent. Il devient braqueur de banque.
Premier roman aux dialogues ravageurs et à la tendresse inattendue, dont le moindre personnage secondaire est inoubliable, Cherry a été le choc litté¬raire de l’année aux USA.
Vétéran de la guerre d’Irak, ancien drogué et condamné à treize ans de prison pour vol avec violence, Nico Walker sortira en 2020 de prison.
C’est son premier roman, qu’il a écrit en détention.

Download Cherry ARHORS COLLECT French Edition eBook Nico Walker

"I have never written a review for a novel, before. However, I feel a duty to explain why I believe this is one of the best books written this year.

Nico Walker has accomplished something truly special with his debut novel. The book reads like a casual reflection on a turbulent, haunting past. Nico's protagonist is pragmatic and honest, both about his place in the world and his own shortcomings. As the author admits, the likable side of the main character was injected via edits - Nico does not see himself as a hero in this story.

Overall, this book may be the first great classic of the opioid epidemic. Although some compare this to Hemingway, and other war focused stories, the comparison falls short. While Hemingway forced grandiose spectacle into his books, Nico takes a more micro-focused approach. He talks about the daily grind, the suffering, the things that soldiers do to make up for the traumas they experience on the ground. These inclinations transfer into private life, where the main character is incapable of integrating into society, but knows that the high is divine.

The negative reviews seem to focus on the book's approach to describing soldiers. Some reek of jealousy that a soldier would "sell out" his compatriots in such a revealing way. In the book, the soldiers seem incredibly human, being put into extraordinary situations and responding in whatever way they can. However, they also commit atrocities and terrible things. From every single account I've heard from my veteran friends that have spent time in Iraq, this is accurate. There are none of the typical Hero's Quest characters in this story; every single person that is mentioned is deeply flawed. This is the magic of the story. Throughout all of the debased actions that the characters pursue, there is a strain of humanity running through it all. You FEEL the struggles of the addicts in the stories, and you can understand the choices being made as requisite at the time.

Instead of simply seeing these veterans and citizens as dope fiends, you can feel the struggle of their existence through their hopes, dreams and attempts to be functioning members of society. As in life, most of these efforts prove fruitless and the cycle of addiction takes firm hold. This has been the most revealing look into a part of society that I have no experience with that I have ever come into contact with. The book is highly recommended."

Product details

  • File Size 1881 KB
  • Print Length 432 pages
  • Publisher Les Arènes (April 10, 2019)
  • Publication Date April 10, 2019
  • Language French

Read Cherry ARHORS COLLECT French Edition eBook Nico Walker

Tags : Buy Cherry (AR.HORS COLLECT) (French Edition) Read 127 Reviews - ,ebook,Nico Walker,Cherry (AR.HORS COLLECT) (French Edition),Les Arènes,FICTION / Thrillers / General,Policier,Policiers,Romans policiers

Cherry ARHORS COLLECT French Edition eBook Nico Walker Reviews :

Cherry ARHORS COLLECT French Edition eBook Nico Walker Reviews

  • I have never written a review for a novel, before. However, I feel a duty to explain why I believe this is one of the best books written this year.

    Nico Walker has accomplished something truly special with his debut novel. The book reads like a casual reflection on a turbulent, haunting past. Nico's protagonist is pragmatic and honest, both about his place in the world and his own shortcomings. As the author admits, the likable side of the main character was injected via edits - Nico does not see himself as a hero in this story.

    Overall, this book may be the first great classic of the opioid epidemic. Although some compare this to Hemingway, and other war focused stories, the comparison falls short. While Hemingway forced grandiose spectacle into his books, Nico takes a more micro-focused approach. He talks about the daily grind, the suffering, the things that soldiers do to make up for the traumas they experience on the ground. These inclinations transfer into private life, where the main character is incapable of integrating into society, but knows that the high is divine.

    The negative reviews seem to focus on the book's approach to describing soldiers. Some reek of jealousy that a soldier would "sell out" his compatriots in such a revealing way. In the book, the soldiers seem incredibly human, being put into extraordinary situations and responding in whatever way they can. However, they also commit atrocities and terrible things. From every single account I've heard from my veteran friends that have spent time in Iraq, this is accurate. There are none of the typical Hero's Quest characters in this story; every single person that is mentioned is deeply flawed. This is the magic of the story. Throughout all of the debased actions that the characters pursue, there is a strain of humanity running through it all. You FEEL the struggles of the addicts in the stories, and you can understand the choices being made as requisite at the time.

    Instead of simply seeing these veterans and citizens as dope fiends, you can feel the struggle of their existence through their hopes, dreams and attempts to be functioning members of society. As in life, most of these efforts prove fruitless and the cycle of addiction takes firm hold. This has been the most revealing look into a part of society that I have no experience with that I have ever come into contact with. The book is highly recommended.
  • The story was so tragic and yet eye opening. If you’ve never known or been involved with addicts you cannot truly understand the lifestyle and the struggle. This book is a peak into the underworld of war and drug addiction. I would recommend this book to anyone who is curious about these topics and anyone with a strong stomach as some of the situations are quite graphic.
  • Full disclosure I know the author and am not a literary critic. I'll therefore refrain from garland tossing or designating its genius. I will call it an accomplishment that deserves much of the praise and attention being heaped on it.

    The story told is a distant reality to certain segments of the American population, and uncomfortably close to the skin of others. Depending on your personality and affiliations you will find an accurate reflection of life, or a fascinating, voyeuristic escape into the world of the desperate. Personally, at times, it was both for me.

    It's a poetic and vulgar book and that is the point. Fans of Bukowsi, Burroughs (see Roy from Junky), D. Johnson, H.S. Thompson and Palahniuk will lap this up and impatiently wait on seconds. Interested to see what comes next from Walker.
  • What a scumbag. But, a bright, sensitive, trapped scumbag. That’s a characterization of the main character. It’s an auspicious first book. Would be very interested in what follows. Nevertheless, I think this is one of the best portrayals of Army life in “The Suck” that’s been written. It’s also terribly sad — the wasted lives and the horribleness of war.
  • I don't write reviews, I don't do dope, and I've never been to war. Nico Walker spit on his finger and created a semi-clean spot on the glass to see into the experience. Both the Army and addiction.
    You want to keep stopping the narrative and help him. You want to scream at him. You wonder how his parents, and all the bank workers are now.
    You can't stop reading it all though.
  • If the cover didn't already sell you the book, maybe I can help.

    If you like Chuck Palahniuk, Bret Easton Ellis, or other writers that critically analyze society and it's darker side, you'll love Nico Walker. This punchy read tells it like it is, and then some, for the desperate among us. This is not written for the decency society, so if you refer to everybody's favorite word as the "f word," this one might not be for you. But if you expect more out of your books than a light story with a happy ending, buy this book.

    It's not hard to see why a publishing house as big as Knopf took a chance on Nico Walker; from the first page it's clear this is something new. Something original.
