Read Outcast Hunter A Thieves Series Lexi Blake 9781942297079 Books

Read Outcast Hunter A Thieves Series Lexi Blake 9781942297079 Books

Product details

  • Series Hunter A Thieves Series (Book 4)
  • Paperback 365 pages
  • Publisher DLZ Entertainment (December 4, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1942297076

Outcast Hunter A Thieves Series Lexi Blake 9781942297079 Books Reviews

  • Got it last night, couldn’t put it down and in fact fell asleep on it (literally) and finished today. It feels like I’ve waited the longest between novels in this series but this was so worth the wait!! There is so much good information, so well balanced, packed into this novel too. I was so hoping for closure in a couple ares of the relationship and family ties with Kelsey, Gray and Trent and Lexi delivered it in spades!!! I loved that young Lee, son of the King and Queen, had a much bigger role in this novel. He is one of my favorite characters in this series and I loved how integral he was to the story arc. He is the epitome of a beautiful soul. For so many reasons!

    As some others have noted this is not really a standalone but Lexi does include enough detail that you can pick up on the meanings with certain characters without having read the prior books; but you really should because the story is so deeply enriched by doing so.

    There are certain outcomes I felt HAD to be accomplished with this book and Lexi did not disappoint!! Looking back, I don’t know how she did it so well because this was a massive span of threads to weave into an integral picture. That it also lays the groundwork for more in the series is brilliant and she did this so smoothly. Not once can I say that an aspect of the story was egregious as simply groundwork for the next. It’s only in the final chapter that I understood what several of those forward looking pieces might represent for the next book. Although the final chapter does lay a path for the next book, there was no lack of solidity in the HEA I also needed in this one, so there was also no cliffhanger. More a sense of delicious anticipation!! Lexi Blake is at the top of her game and I LOVED this book!!
  • Loved, loved this book, well I love all the Theives books. Lexi has not disappointed me this time either. I’ll only say loved the ending ... every. damn. Word of it. If I could have taken a day off of work I would have so I could have read straight through. Every time I read a Thieves story I feel like these characters are just as real as any human being story. Kelsey is as dear to my heart as Zoey is and every man, creature, demon, wolf and vampire in the story I’ve come to love or sometimes hate. Lexi writes these characters with such passion and heart and I feel like she’s sat down with them and just penned their biographies for them. Lovers are the series will be blown away and will enjoy EVERY MINUTE they spend reading Outcast. Of course there is more on the horizon my fellow Thieves fans and it will be just as spectacular. Maybe if I have enough notice, this time I will book a day off and truly keep reading from start to finish. If you have not read any of these stories do yourself a justice and read from the beginning, the stories are truly rich, exciting and well written. There is so much humor, action, adventure, love, friendship, devotion, sadness, angst, and excitement. Lexi Blake is an incredible writer, she just blows me away with all these intricate stories but she does it every time. Sometimes you get a series of books like these and you start to lose interest, YOU WILL NOT do that with this series I SWEAR! Get you one-click finger ready and click yourself into the Thieves universe, you won’t want to leave.
    Her is my true start rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • This book is about Kelsey, Trent, and Gray, their relationships to each other, their parents and family in general. It had been so long since I read the last book that I appreciated the author adding some backround to the characters to remind me of what had transpired. It took me a while to gain interest in the story (I stopped forcing myself to keep reading when I hit Chapter 10). I'm tired of the threesome concept yet again and the constant arguing and fights between Gray and Trent. I am fed up with the two guys tag teaming to control Kelsey when she goes postal, reminds me of men handling a woman with PMS -oh please stop with the kid gloves although Trent uses a tranquilizer dart. Kelsey is so gah-gah about her men that just waving the prospect of sex is a great way to distract her from the thought that she was mad about being tranquilized. I don't know why Kelsey is written so dumb when it comes to her men/sex when she really has good instincts with her job. I also have disliked Gray who would risk his first child with Kelsey in order to gain more time on Earth to avoid descending to Hell by making a deal giving the child to his demon father -all without telling Kelsey- yet she still loves him even after she finds out. That's a pretty big betrayal in my book. The high point was Lee who got quite a bit of exposure in this book. My favorite character, Marcus is mostly AWOL and I might have to wait for the next book for him to make an appearance. The fact that Kelsey and Marcus were never to be a couple was a disappointment, but he seems to have his great love waiting to be written. This book serves to advance the story line and deals with Gray's contract and introduces new characters to the mix. In the end it recaptured my interest and it leaves the reader with a tie in to the next book.
  • Ok!! so it was excellent as is expected the content the story the suspense the action. All great as we have come to know and expect from LB. I didn't think they would fall in o thought she'd fall out. SOlo i can't review this books without giving stuff away I just can't and I don't want to be like that.
    The only thing I would be inclined to take a star off for was the fact that Ms. Blake did not include when Stealing Summer would be coming out!!!! I don't know if I can wait a while year or until summer 2019 I just cant. I understand that we !just not rush the creative process and the story needs to be properly developed but I'm gonna go outside my mind for this next one. I thought this one would have quenched the thirst but it only made it worst. Please let us know
